...unless your grandfather was slightly cracked. Here at NewsWARP, we report the news the way we like to hear it. You want hard facts or reality? Turn on the television. Tune in to us for a pump of endorphins and much-needed humor. Our staff writers are hell bent on having a good time while they tell twisted tales and make shit up. We hope you have a good time reading it. ~ The Editors

June 7, 2012

This Week in the CLASSIFIEDS

Photo by Mikel-Uribetxeberria and Ricky Stern

300-pound pet gorilla. Last seen downtown at the Home and Garden Show. Likes crunchy seeds, large fruit and soft bedding. He is not a physical threat, but may wear you down mentally with his pensive glares. Answers to the name “Ishmael.”

Is alcohol ruining your life?
Let go and let God. He attends the Alcoholics Anonymous meetings at the United Methodist Church, Wednesdays at 7:00. Wait until you taste his brownies!

Call Bob W. for more details (unless you are Janice M. who is no longer allowed at AA due to 13th stepping).


Animal Care Assistant: Rotten Apple Circus, an upscale entertainment organization, is seeking an experienced, professional and motivated animal assistant. Must have: experience with large mammals, good hand-eye coordination and the ability to thrive under unpleasant olfactory conditions. Full training provided for the right candidate!

Secreterry Needed for Start-up Company. Must be 18 years old with 20 yeers experience. Must have strong knollidge of Microsoft Word and coffee machines. Blondes prefered. Send resimay to this add. Apply in person.


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